GruvCard For The 2024 Election

GruvCard tap to share technology is the fastest and coolest way to spread your 2024 campaign a landslide. Just tap the cutting edge GruvCard smart cards and table stands on a constituent's phone to instantly share your campaign website, brochure, and other multimedia. An innovative way to connect with young voters and good for the environment by eliminating paper card waste.

GruvCard advanced tap to share technology is perfect for lightening quick in person voter registration. Just tap the new GruvCard "Tap To Register" smart cards or table stands on an event goers phone to capture their instant electronic signup. Faster, newer, and just cooler than outdated QR codes, GruvCard 2024 products will be the HIT OF THE 2024 ELECTION SEASON!. For more information on GruvCard interactive cards and stands call 561-221-2711 or email